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About NWIC Foundation

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The Lummi value of “lengesot” means that we take care of ourselves, watch out for ourselves, and love and take care of one another. This is a good way to describe the Northwest Indian College Foundation (NWICF).

The purpose of the Northwest Indian College Foundation is to bring together interested friends of the college who are dedicated to the advancement of Northwest Indian College on Reservation educational opportunities and the improvement of the quality of life on Reservations.

The NWICF is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization solely dedicated to supporting the mission of Northwest Indian College and its students with financial support through fundraising activities and events. The NWICF consists of 11 Executive Board members and 11 Honorary Board members dedicated to helping the college empower Tribal nations by empowering their members through education.

We encourage you to visit with us and learn more about the college and its mission. If you would like to support our efforts, you can support us in several ways, such as making an annual tax deductible contribution, planned giving, or attending one of our events. Your gift can support the Capital Campaign, student scholarships, the legacy endowment, or a specific degree program at the college.

The Foundation Board members thank you and are honored for your interest in the college. In the Lummi language we say Hy’shqe, “thank you” for your support and in the Coast Salish tradition, we raise our hand up to you in respect.

Commencement 2022

Giving: Support NWIC and Donate Today!


You can help Northwest Indian College gain Financial Independence

Johnson Scholarship Foundation

Student Scholarship Endowment – Match Your Donations

The Generations Fund

The Generations Fund is an Endowment that will Fund in Perpetuity

Planned Giving

An option that gives donors flexibility and unique options such as gifts of real estate, assets and much more

The NWICF is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization solely dedicated to supporting the mission of Northwest Indian College and its students with financial support through fundraising activities and events.


Northwest Indian College Foundation tl’aneq’ Cultural Arts Auction & Gala